Sunday, April 6, 2014

Have You Ever Felt a Color?

If you just want to read about feeling colors skip to the next art piece and read from there. If you have read this blog before and want to know more about my absents read on from here.

it's me (Lavaun) and I'm back trying to blog again.  I ran into some complications last time because I was trying to make things more perfect them was realistic for me. I know I have some problems with writing in both my organizational and grammar skills I heard back from someone you have to get things edited before you put them out to the public. I wanted to post I wanted to share but It just became way too complicated and I have a tendency to give up sometimes when writing gets too hard which is common for people like myself diagnosed with written expression disorder.

Recently I decided that I need to make a choice, to write and post imperfectly or try and get my post perfect through outside editing etc. and never actually get it done.

As an artist I do want to share some of the stories and influences behind my art which will give some depth and complexity to what you see on paper. I am hoping that this will be of value to someone and if sometime I share intrigues or interest it will be taken as an invite to start a conversation.
I'm going to go ahead and speak with my authentic written voice which means that the grammar won't be perfect, the spelling may be kind of interesting at times, and I will leave out essential words occasionally. I will be using voice recognition technology and probably doing some alternatives to writing such as video to keep things going. If you're really squeamish about perfect writing please feel free to try a different blog. Also feel free to ask for clarification when something doesn't make sense. In the future sometime I will blog on my theories about the arts and learning disabilities.

So here something that I have been thinking about and wanted to share in my first new post.

I've been thinking a lot about vision and art which is of interest for me because that's where I started my journey as a professionalism artist. Originally I wanted to create art pieces for blind people to touch and feel. I liked the sharp and softer outlines of the cut paper I use because of my own limited vision. What I found is there are a lot of people interested in touching the art and even if they don't touch it many are interested in seeing the tactile nature of my paper collage.

I decided I want to go one step farther and put colors into a feeling color chart. I was thinking how exciting it might be for people who can't see to have an idea of what a color is like other than just someone describing the visual nature of colors.

  • Turquoise, turquoise is like when you stick your toe into a cool pond or a swimming pool and that vibrant excitement the tingling that happens entering into the cool but not cold water.
  • Yellow, yellow is like sunshine on your forehead which just radiates through your body and warms you. It is intense but not overwhelming which just makes you feel good and alive all over.
  • White, white is like “nothing” a cold nothing, that is absent of stimulus but full of anticipation because at any second electricity could hit and there would be vibrancy.
  • Black, black is also nothing but it is stillness full of non movement, nothing is going to happen it is just total quiet.
  • Baby Blue, baby blue is like a spring afternoon when once again everything is still, soft and comforting. With baby blue there is a little bit of an edge because you're still coming back from the cold of winter.
  • Dark Blue, dark blue is like putting your hand under the cold water from the sink the sense of sharpness you feel as it wraps around your fingers with it touch.
  • Pink, pink is like taking a flower and gently running across your cheek soft, alive and incredibly fragile beneath your touch
  • Green, green is strong and lively full of energy you can feel flowing. It engages you in a dance where the music just runs through you.
  • Brown, brown is firm with just a little warmth kinda like putting your hand on something that recently came out of the dryer. Brown is full of texture and variation that creates an odd comfort.

I know I've left out a lot of colors and maybe I left out your favorite but this is just where my brain went I may do a follow up post with other colors. I love the colors I work with as an artist and thought this is a good place to start in giving my colors an even deeper meaning. I hope this might inspire you to think about your response to colors in art with your own personal meanings. Come on over and visit my Facebook page to check out the vibrant art I'm creating to share these colors with you


  1. Can't wait to read more of your feelings about colors. I know, as an artist , you've barely scratched the surface! And thank you for being fearless, and putting yourself out there in your delightfully imperfect way. It is very endearing, and I know many will connect with you as they get to know you better through your future posts. All the best!

    1. Thanks Joanne I am so looking forward to covering all kinds of crazy thoughts that go through my head. I think as artist we often have learned to access some essential truths in round about ways! I can't decide on which is next the video on the color red or a written piece on tulips, I love tulips! I hope your art world is going well!

  2. Lavaun:
    I so appreciate that you are publishing your thoughts as is, and with an explanation of why you are doing so. The Internet is a vast place, and there is room for all of us, including those who skip the editor! As for colors relating to feelings--I do silk painting, and color is so critical in my work...but I have never, ever thought of color as conveying feeling. Strange, huh? I love that you are doing this.

    1. Thanks Cheryl,
      With my gifts of art, curiosity and a unique well of experiences seems to come an obligation of articulating different perspectives. I know a lot of folks don't like the word obligation but I really do think that it is part of the larger life balance work in this world. Because I know how little is understood about learning disabilities I felt I needed to share my calculated choice. I am so happy to have positive responses to this post.
      I love my colors and many years ago I use to tell this story in diabetes education classes about mangoes tasting like the color green, When ever I was starting the nutrition unit I would have folks share a funny food story to relax the group before going into the subject of nutrition which is so entangled with shame for so many folks with type 2 diabetes. When I would open with green being a flavor not "unripe" but its own unique flavor everyone forgot to be stressed out about all their "bad food choices". It is amazing how colors have been pidgin holed and how powerful they can be.
