Saturday, April 19, 2014

Art, Cataracts and Tulips

Autumnal Equinox shadow art by Lavaun
Many years ago in the spring time I had cataract surgery. I had no clue how much vision I had lost because things just slowly went fuzzy which became my normal. I went for a walk within a few days of the surgery and came upon a red tulip with some yellow at the base of the petals and the black stamen in the center.

Spring Moon (vibrant tulips) by Lavaun
It was like unexpected fireworks to my eye. I had forgotten what colors really looked like! Dang this was amazing! It made me smile and I came home to call everyone and tell them of this revelation. Some times the familiar needs to be looked at with new sight and if sight is not a possibility for you, ask for or create a new descriptive narrative. 

Out of the Box Garden  by Lavaun

I believe that part of the gift artist offer is new sight, a different narratives and an external vessels for emotional connections. As art lovers we get to choose which artist reach in and touch us with their work. Luckily there are such diverse offerings coming from the art world I think everyone can find a fit. Even if it means shifting from visual arts to music, poetry, dance or something else.

What I create is so different than what I have collected and maybe this is because bringing in other peoples work does give me new sight as an artist.

Raul DelRio is one of my long time favorites

I also love mara berendt friedman
Mabuddha Logo

I am so happy to share these artist with you and just like I called everyone about the tulip I am asking you to share what brings new sight to you!


  1. As corny as it might sound, pretty much all collaborations I've done in the past four years bring me new sight. I used to be a huge loner and didn't like to be around people. Now that I like it, I see how we boost each other up, create more together, and give each other new ways of looking at and thinking about things! Go team!

    1. Yes go team! I love and sometimes feel challenged by collaboration and you are so right Cheryl it does bring new sight. We are so lucky to have you out there collaborating with us!

  2. I had a similar experience when I first went on medication for depression. Up until then my writing was my sole artist expression. Once the veil of depression was lifted I saw so many vivid colors all around me. Thanks for reminding me of this experience and we're all glad for your sight as well as your vision. Beautiful art!

  3. Joy, I had not thought about the muting experience of depression when I wrote this so thank you for sharing! I am glad I could remind you and happy you had the opportunity to come into the world of vivid color! Cheers to lifting veils!
