Saturday, September 27, 2014

What Might Have Been!

I am feeling oh so excited to take a year off of making calendars!

I have loved making the calendars since 2009 but it is nice not to push with all the other activities going on.

Here are some things that would have been in the 2015 calendar and might be in the 2016 one.

  • Fragrant Rice with Lentils
  • Persimmon Pudding
  • Turkey Roll with Wild Rice and Cranberry Stuffing
  • Green Tomato Pizza

Mermaids Entwined in Love

Crane Pond - My Earth Day tribute. White crane with black accents standing in turquoise water with yellow water lilies and lush green marsh grasses

Madre Tierra (Earth Mother) Very pregnant native woman sitting cross legged on a leaf thrown  surrounded bycolorful flowers

Raven's Head - Black raven on top of a skull amongst scattered skelliton with a red sky and big yellow moon.

Here are the major announcements of the moment
  • I am probably buying a condo with a 2 car garage which I will make into my art studio with room for creating, framing, documenting (photos), storage and display!
  • I got a great camera awhile back and just need to remember to charge it and learn how to use it.
  • I am thinking of experimenting with cork cut outs if I have a nice size studio space,
  • I have a dream of someday having a kiln on my new covered patio but that probably won't actually happen.
  • I have a show coming up in January at a local Gresham Unitarian Unilateralist congregation thanks to my realtor
  • Most important, I sold this great piece at my Coffee Time display and that made me happy
    Blooms 2012 A green plant person sitting in a wheelchair  with a yellow and orange flower face and orange, red and yellow flower hands. There is bright blue sky and light green grass in the background with white sensing canes supporting vines with pink and purple flowers. The idea being mobility devices as supports to growth.

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